Android Applications

An Android app is a software application running on the Android platform. Because the Android platform is built for mobile devices, a typical Android app is designed for a smartphone or a tablet PC running on the Android OS. Android apps are written in the Java programming language and use Java core libraries. They are first compiled to Dalvik executables to run on the Dalvik virtual machine, which is a virtual machine specially designed for mobile devices. Developers may download the Android software development kit (SDK) from the Android website. The SDK includes tools, sample code and relevant documents for creating Android apps. Novice developers who simply want to play around with Android programming can make use of the App Inventor. Using this online application, a user can construct an Android app as if putting together pieces of a puzzle. We have a great team of developers who have expertise in building android applications. Our application services help you reimagine your application landscape, with speed and agility, while continuously innovating to realize business value.

End-to-end application services

From the development of new applications, through modernization, management and maintenance, we cover all stages of the application lifecycle.

Application management

Future-proof your application portfolio with innovation that pays for itself.

Agile Transformation

Drive disruption by applying Lean principles to achieve substantial performance improvements, accelerating business change.