CMSContent Management Systems

A content management system or CMS is a software that is used to build websites and create content to be published on the internet. Typically CMS allows you to create a website without writing any code

Instead of building your own system for creating web pages, storing images, and other functions, the content management system handles all that basic infrastructure stuff for you so that you can focus on more forward-facing parts of your website.

CMS Tools

A CMS platform (content management system platform) is a piece of software that allows you to easily manage content and create a website.

Normally, web pages are written in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS programming languages. If you were to build a website without a CMS platform, then you would need to learn these languages and write a lot of code.

CMS platforms solve this problem by allowing you to make a website without writing code or learning programming

  • Ease of use

    You want a CMS that makes it easy for you to create and edit content. This often means having a drag and drop interface, so you can add different elements on your pages.

  • Design options:

    Your CMS software should offer you plenty of website design templates to choose from. It should also allow you to easily customize those designs to your own requirements (ideally without writing code).

  • Data portability:

    For instance, you may later decide to choose a different platform or a different hosting company. Data portability makes it easier for you to move around with complete freedom.

    • Extensions and addons:
    • Help and support options:


  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • Magento

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